Then there is/was the teething... both babies have been teething for the past 4 months. They each broke their first tooth one day apart from the other. I will say, that having two babies teething at once is far more exhausting, then I ever thought possible. It was really hard in the beginning, because they were not coordinated enough to hold a teething ring to their mouth. Therefore, there was no relief for them. For a while, we were feeling like we were back in the beginning, with the lack of sleep and all. The twins were restless day and night. Most days, they would take a 20 minute nap each and if I was lucky, another 20 minute nap in the afternoon. Then the first "cold" hit at about 10 and a half months. Both babies started getting these icky cold symptoms with each tooth that would break through the gums. So, basically, they are still icky. It comes and goes with each tooth that breaks... and so does the sleep. On average, we are still up 2 or 3 times a night and this is getting old... fast.
Everybody keeps telling me, "It will get easier."
My favorite was two weeks ago, a young mother followed me and the babies out the the parking lot of T.J. Max.
She said, "Excuse me! I just wanted to tell you that it gets easier. You know, with the twins and all. It gets easier." Very friendly lady, but I thought it a little strange for her to follow me out there. It's not as if I was complaining or struggling in any way. The twins were acting like angels in the store.
So, then I said to her, "Oh! Thanks. How old are your twins?". She replied, "I don't have twins, well, kinda, but they are 1 and 3. They are the same height, so everybody thinks they are twins."
I am thinking you "kinda" have twins that are 1 and 3!? I just gave her the "look" and continued loading the babies into the car. Not only does she not have twins, but she doesn't even have children close enough in age, that would be hitting these milestones around the same time. So, really, she cannot relate to my life at all, but whatever...
I get this a lot. I actually don't mind these ridiculous comments, as they are quite humorous and make for a good story. I really should write a book.
So, in my experience, which is all I have, I can only speak for myself... and probably my husband too, when I say that at this stage in the game, things are much more difficult. Granted, I am more than grateful, that I no longer go DAYS without sleep, I can still honestly say that even two infants, are easier than what I deal with now. I no longer tell new moms that it gets easier. I tell them the truth, "Just wait until they are mobil! Babies are easy!" I get really bad looks, but come on... I think after we adjust to the baby stage and get through the sleepless nights, we can all look back and admit that it wasn't that bad.
Some fun milestones that make everyday worth the battle:
-Hair... and CURLS!
- Saying Mama and Dada
-Crawling (11 months, same day)
-Twin to twin conversation, just babbling
-Recognizing each other's features, pulling on the other's hair, ears, poking eyes, etc...
-Kisses to each other (when somewhat forced) and to Mama and Dada
-Standing in cribs (10.5 months)
-Eating all kinds of solid foods (fish, chicken, eggs, nuts, fruit, steamed veggies, their favorite are oranges, pretty much anything we eat that is organic or close to it)
-Pulling up and walking along furniture (started at about 11 months)
-Playing (and fighting) together with toys
-Clapping and waving (I must add that Vivian has the most contagious smile when she claps! Cutest thing EVER!)
-Both walking with a walker
-Both can hold and drink out of an adult cup, when in their high chairs
-Both have learned to be "gentle" with the dogs and they LOVE the dogs:)
9 months
First Easter
Spring is here!
Guncle's surprise 2 hour visit:)
Bath time is more fun!
Lifting 40+ pounds of baby day in and day out!
Some updated info on the twins health/nutrition:
-As of 11 months old, they both weighed 20 lbs (Viv being 2 oz bigger)
- 50% percentile on weight
-60% head size
- Still completely unvaccinated, although currently researching Homeopathic Vaccinations for when they are a little older
- Raw goat milk (6 oz 4/5 times a day)
-Vitamins/supplements are the same
-2/3 solid meals a day and two snacks
- Continued organic and mostly gluten free (gluten free stops at 1 year old!)
-No ear infections or infections of any kind
-No illnesses of any kind
-No food allergies of any kind
Vivian 11 months
Everlynn 11 months
11 months
Vivian first fever, as her 2nd tooth broke through:( 11 months
Ever & Viv (clapping:)
Dada and Vivian
Favorite pass times:
-Library once every two weeks
- Mall of America
- Como Zoo & Conservatory
-Play dates, twice a week with other babies their age
- Lunch with mom at Panera
-Park swings:) their obvious favorite
- Grocery shopping, sitting in the carts like big girls!
So, has it gotten easier? No. Not in the least, but MUCH more rewarding. There is not a day that goes by that I don't thank God for these two little blessings. I still wonder what I did to deserve not only one, but two precious and healthy identical twins. They bring more joy to my life than I could have ever thought possible. The feeling of gratitude overwhelms me and my faith in a divine plan, could not be more evident.